This month, Morrisons employees in Huddersfield get an opportunity to make good things happen for families at Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice by voting for Together for Short Lives as their new charity partner.

Together for Short Lives – the only charity supporting the UK’s 54 children’s hospices, including Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice and families facing the heartbreak that their child will die young – have an amazing chance to win a charity partnership with Morrisons, but they need support from Morrisons staff to win.

Out of more than 100 charities to apply, a relatively small charity with a big heart, Together for Short Lives, has made it into the final two charities to be the supermarket giant, Morrisons, charity partner. The result will be decided by a 10-day Morrisons staff vote and the winning charity will enter a three-year partnership aiming to raise around £10 million.

“A partnership with Morrisons, and the money raised, would be transformational for our local families caring for a seriously ill child and for us at Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice. If you work for Morrisons, please choose Together for Short Lives as your next charity partner in the staff vote,” said Gareth Pierce, director at Forget Me Not.

Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice provides lifeline support to families facing up to the heartbreak of their child dying young, right in the heart of our community.

This week a special film has been released, sharing Emily’s story – who was told her baby Amelia had a life-limiting condition, with no cure and no knowing how long they would have together as a family.

Sadly, too many families are suffering through their child’s short life, and they’re suffering alone. The film, produced by Together for Short Lives, highlights the fantastic work of hospices just like Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice. Who provide vital support and help families feel less alone – so they can make the most of every moment they have together, whether that’s years, months or just hours.

Andy Fletcher, chief executive at Together for Short Lives, highlighted the difference this partnership would make for Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice and said: “Families of seriously ill children are pushed to their limits every day.

“Their local children’s hospice provides them with the time and space they need to make precious memories that last a lifetime – the chance to be parents, not carers.

“At the same time, children’s hospices are struggling to meet demand, as the number of seriously ill children in the UK is growing, meaning more families are having to cope alone. A partnership with Morrisons will make good things happen – enabling hospices to provide lifeline support to even more families who need them right in the heart of our community.”

A vote for Together for Short Lives is a vote for your local children’s hospice – Forget Me Not. If you work for Morrisons or know someone who does, please choose Together for Short Lives as your next charity partner in the staff vote.