The threat of disruption to bin collections in Kirklees has been lifted.

More than 100 workers, employed by Suez at Kirklees Council’s household waste recycling centres, had voted for strike action.

However, the union Unite has now announced that staff have accepted a 10% pay rise.

Following the successful industrial action ballot, an improved pay offer was put forward by Suez and accepted by the workers.

The workers are responsible for sorting recycling and manning the waste-to-energy incinerator plant at Hillhouse.

The two-year deal consists of a 10% rise for 2023, with the workers receiving backpay in their January wages backdated to April 2023 and an RPI inflation rise from April 2024.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “This is a well-deserved win for Suez’s Huddersfield workforce, who by standing together and voting for strike action, have ensured they will receive a fair pay increase from the company.

“As a union, Unite is wholly dedicated to bettering members’ jobs, pay and conditions.”

Unite regional officer Karl Stephenson said: “The unity that our members have demonstrated ensured that Suez returned to the negotiating table and made a pay offer that met their aspirations.

“This result is yet another example of why workers wanting to improve their wages and working lives should join Unite and get their colleagues to join too.”