One hundred toddlers will toddle, ride and splash their way through a Toddler Triathlon to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Greenhead Park in Huddersfield.

On Thursday (June 2) the intrepid toddlers will have to navigate a 15-metre toddle, a 30-metre balance bike ride and traverse a series of seven water hazards including muddy puddles and paddling pools filled with jelly, plastic ducks and sensory items.  

It’s expected that there will be some amount of splashing and sitting in puddles, so organisers have recommended attendees bring a towel…

Many of the toddlers will record video messages for the Queen. Others will create drawings and letters to send to Her Majesty on this very special occasion.

The children and parents at the event will also be creating a giant artwork modelled on the Queen’s head, as seen on a postage stamp. The 10 metre by 6 metre artwork will be made using old baby clothes.

The event kicks off at 11am and is expected to finish in time for an afternoon nap at 3pm. Toddlers may nap too…

The event is being organised by Huddersfield-based groups Parent Sanctuary, Yaga Art and Little Bikers. Parent Sanctuary supports parents and their children in their physical and mental health, using time in nature, social activities and education.

Rachel Devereux, from Parent Sanctuary, said: “We wanted to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a fun and giggle provoking activity that gives children a chance to show off what they can do and hopefully provides some joy for everyone who hears about or sees our celebration.

“Our Jubilee Event is designed to bring people together and allow them to connect. It’s a chance to put the sadness of the past two years behind us, and set aside our worries for the future. If the pandemic has shown us anything; it’s how damaging loneliness and isolation can be.

“Parent Sanctuary are all about connection- building bonds and helping families improve their mental and physical health through spending time outdoors. Whether that means building closeness through carrying your baby in a sling, creating connections with other new parents who are going through the same changes, or allowing time for a mindful step back into nature.

“We encourage parents and children to embrace the outdoors and take a break from the distractions of modern life. There are a whole host of benefits to spending time outside; natural light during the day can help to promote better sleep, Vitamin D from sunlight is a recognised mood-booster, and getting moving produces endorphins – happy hormones.

“We’re also aware of increasing financial pressures on families, and so try to offer as many free events as possible – including our Jubilee Event in Greenhead Park.”