Welcome to our Huddersfield BID town centre blog where every month BID manager SAM SHARP looks at some of the exciting things going on in the town

Over the last five months, our team have worked hard removing the graffiti on bins, business premises, phone boxes, walls and street furniture around the BID zone.

They have also been jet washing doorways, alleyways, shopfronts and pavements around the town centre.

It’s important to BID to meet our objectives and these actions cover our “safe and attractive” objective greatly. Our team still patrols seven days a week and are there to assist businesses with anti-social behaviour issues, reports of incidents and act as a customer service team for the BID zone.

The team are not meant to replace the police but they work closely with them and it’s a growing partnership which has benefited our BID zone businesses and stakeholders.

Our heritage and culture objective will get an outing during Jubilee week when we spend the first few days helping The Kirkwood with a Snowdog painting event, which BID are funding and helping to run.

Participants have a chance to paint and create their very own mini Snowdog in our marquee on New Street.

From Wednesday June 1 we will be encouraging BID zone businesses to help Huddersfield in Bloom, by hanging containers of flowers around the BID zone as well as placing some of the flower displays we have created using recycled kitchen items.

We hope that our Huddersfield in Bloom will build and become an annual event which will bring visitors from across the area.

On Saturday June 4 we are working with the RSPCA to host a celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on New Street.

There will be a 1940s singer, free royal cupcakes and tea, children’s crown decorating, tombola, doggy art and dancing.

We hope this event will bring the town together to celebrate this wonderful occasion and will be enjoyed by everyone who takes part.

July promises to be an even busier month for the BID team with the launch of our Huddersfield Business Champions awards, Get Your Geek on Huddersfield Comicon and some exciting changes to our team.