Teenage explorer scout Joseph Barraclough found his resilience tested when he attended the ill-fated World Scout Jamboree in South Korea in August.

The 12-day event, which attracted 36,000 scouts from across the globe, took place amid the country’s worst-ever heatwave, with hundreds of young people falling ill due to the extreme temperatures.

Joseph, 15, of Shelley Explorers, had been fundraising for months to cover the £3,800 cost of the once-in-a-lifetime trip.

With temperatures soaring to around 38C, the UK scouts pulled out after five days. Shortly afterwards the event was ended early by an approaching typhoon.

Joseph’s mum Viv, also a leader at Shelley Explorers, said: “Joseph was disappointed the event was cut short but it was a strenuous five days because of the heat.

“Joseph tried to make the best of it by meeting as many scouts from around the world as he could. It was a case of coping rather than enjoying it but it was certainly an incredible experience and all the more memorable because of what happened. Scouting is all about adapting and surviving.”

Joseph and his family, who live in Kirkburton, have had a busy time fundraising. They completed the Yorkshire 3 Peaks and an event at LaserZone in Huddersfield. Joseph has also been cleaning for neighbours, power-washing and holding cake and coffee stalls.

There’s another fundraiser – a ceilidh – at Highburton Village Hall on September 23. Tickets at £8 for adults and £5 for children can be obtained from Viv on 07906 500541 or email viv.barraclough@cantab.net