A group of teenage rugby league players are hoping to raise £1,500 for a cause that’s close to their hearts.

The girls from Newsome Panthers Under-18s are planning a sponsored walk for the charity TOFS, which provides lifelong support for those born unable to swallow.

TOFS offers support to people born with Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula (TOF) and/or Oesophageal Atresia (OA). These are rare congenital malformations of the gullet and windpipe.

TOF/OA affects one in every 3,500 babies and can only be repaired with immediate neonatal surgery, not cured.

One of the team’s players has a family member affected by the condition and head coach Rebecca Ball-Knight said of the walk: “It’s a cause close to our hearts – and there will be a lot of hills involved!”

A small percentage of the money raised will also go to the Panthers team fund to help pay for additional kit.

The 7.5-mile walk, which takes place on Sunday March 3, will start at 7am at the home of Newsome Panthers and head over the hills to the Colne Valley before finishing at Laund Hill ahead of the game between Huddersfield Giants Women and St Helens (ko 2pm).

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