Young people at Linthwaite Football Club have been rewarded for doing their bit to help tackle climate change – and don’t they look smart?

Around 200 players rose to the challenge when the club took part in the #Vimoveforclimate campaign organised by German-based boiler and heating company Viessmann.

For every kilometre run or walked, Viessmann promised to plant a tree – and the 13 teams at Linthwaite stepped up.

The company set the club a target of 1,000km and pledged that if they reached their target they would provide every player with a smart new training top.

Club secretary James Carter said: “The challenge was launched back in November and the aim for us was to get all our players, parents and coaches talking about climate change and how important it is to us all.

“Our players, parents and coaches came together in one climate fighting team and smashed the target achieving 5,450 trees! That’s our own little Linthwaite FC forest!

“All the training tops have now arrived with all our teams and they look great. Overall Viessmann funded 250 shirts, so we have shirts available for new players and our new additional teams next season.

“We’d like to say well done to everyone who took part and a huge thank you to Viessmann for their support.”