A comedy will be staged in Rastrick at the end of the month.

Stepping Out by Brighouse Theatre Productions is being performed on Wednesday, May 31 to Friday, June 2, at 7.15pm at St John’s Community Hall on St John Street, Gooder Lane.

It’s a comedy with music about a tap dancing class where a group of ladies and a lone man from a variety of backgrounds sign on for a weekly evening class in the local village hall.

None of them is looking for fame or life in the chorus line – their common motive is a couple of hours a week away from home and all its issues. At first they treat the class as a social occasion and are ‘all fingers and thumbs’, but with expert tuition, they soon cotton on to tap dancing and become reasonably proficient.

It’s their personal stories, relationships and interactions that form the real story, charting their emotional progress as their dancing skills improve.

Tickets are £10 from www.brighousetheatre.co.uk and Fawcett’s Gifts & Cards, Commercial Street, Brighouse