A Huddersfield charity has hundreds of Christmas presents to give away to children in need.

Each year Ruddi’s Retreat organises its Ruddi’s Reindeer campaign when it appeals for businesses and people to donate new Christmas gifts which the charity then wraps and gives away to families struggling to make ends meet.

Ruddi’s Retreat founder Ali Waterworth said: “Families with disabled or ill children are particularly hard hit financially. We’ve now collected hundreds of gifts which we are busy wrapping for distribution but if people want to keep on donating presents to us that would be wonderful. Each one will bring a smile to a child’s face.”

Donations should be taken to the Ruddi’s café on Station Road in the centre of Slaithwaite.

Ruddi’s Retreat provides free caravan breaks for families with children battling serious illnesses such as cancer, have life-limiting conditions or have suffered bereavement.

It has four caravans on the Primrose Valley Holiday Park near Filey and now a fifth one near Blackpool.

Anyone who would like to nominate a family in need whose children would really benefit from receiving free presents this Christmas should contact Vicki Green by emailing ruddisvicki@gmail.com or phoning 01484 766050.

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.