Councillors in Lindley want dilapidated footpaths and footways to be repaired and improved.

Councillors Cahal Burke and Anthony Smith are urging Lindley residents to report footpaths in need of repair to Kirklees Council.

The councillors highlight the footpath at Reinwood Recreation Ground as one of many in their ward in need of urgent improvement work. They say the path is often unusable when it rains.

In November last year, the Lindley councillors presented a petition to full council, requesting improvements to roads, paths and footways in the Lindley ward.

Clr Burke said: “We don’t think that it is acceptable that so many of our paths and footways in Lindley are unsafe and unusable.

“Lindley has been subject to significant housing development in recent years, so it is important that the local infrastructure, including our footpaths, receives investment and is maintained to a high standard.

“The poor state of the paths and footways is preventing people from getting out and about easily. We need to consider people with limited mobility, as well, as it is particularly challenging for them.

“Many of our paths are unsafe for those with mobility issues, as well as parents and carers with pushchairs.

“Footpaths are used by all members of the community. Every day, most people will at some point use a footpath.

“The paths take people to and from work or school, to their favourite activities or to meet friends and family. They help to join up our local communities.

“The council has a responsibility to ensure that our footpaths and cycle routes are convenient, safe and attractive to use.

“We want our paths to be maintained, improved and safe as soon as possible. This includes the footpath at Reinwood Rec, but many other paths and footways as well.”

Clr Cahal Burke and Anthony Smith

Clr Smith said: “We recognise the value of footpaths as a means of connecting spaces and increasing accessibility and connectivity.

“As ward councillors, we have helped to create and maintain footpaths at a number of sites across Lindley, including Goldington, Fern Lea and Lindley recreation grounds, as well as Longwood Edge Road. We have helped to resurface many footpaths, but there are many more to do.

“Walking is popular, affordable and readily available as a form of physical activity and is hugely beneficial to our health and wellbeing. Footpaths provide us with an opportunity to walk, to be active and to get out and about.

“Keeping footpaths well maintained and accessible encourages people to use them more as part of their daily lives.

“Footpaths are not just thoroughfares, they are the foundation of our public spaces, helping people of all ages to be independent and live healthy lifestyles.

“It’s vital that people are safe and feel safe when walking on footpaths. However, many residents have contacted us about the poor state of many of the footpaths in Lindley.

“We would encourage residents to report any issues to Kirklees Council and also to let us know, so we can help.”

Problems with footpaths can be reported at the following: