A fashion show which will raise much-needed funds to help support the Ukrainian community in the Holme Valley will be held at The Civic, Holmfirth, on Tuesday October 18 at 7pm.

The ‘Shades of Autumn’ fashion show will be hosted by Purple Apricot, a popular ladies’ clothing shop in Holmfirth, and will feature models from a local Ukrainian support group.

Sandy Shaw, the manager of Purple Apricot, said: “We hope that this will be a fun evening for everyone involved. We have some fabulous autumn fashions to show everyone, and there will be a raffle with a chance to win clothing from the shop and other gifts such as beauty vouchers.”

Rebecca Gough, who helps to run the local Holme Valley Homes for Ukraine group, said every penny raised was “hugely helpful” and added: “Any money raised helps save lives.

“The funds will be used either to support Ukrainians in the Holme Valley to integrate or to provide transport, food and shelter for people who have survived a desperate situation which is not of their making.”

Sandy Shaw (left) with Ukrainian Yana who is living in the Holme Valley

Rebecca formed the local group, along with Mandy Brook, Alex Hampshire and Therese Cranley, with the aim of supporting anyone arriving from Ukraine. They set up English classes three times a week, using trained TEFL teachers and established a support group for host families.

“We’ve made links with various charities to help with clothing, school uniform and things like SIM cards,” said Rebecca. “We also run job fairs, with the support of local employers and help people with interview skills and writing CVs.”

Sandy hopes that the fashion show will raise at least £1,000 to help with other things like food for people living independently, petrol, room hire and resources for English teachers.

Tickets for the fashion show are £10 and include a 10% discount voucher for Purple Apricot. They are available from the shop at 62 Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth, HD9 3AZ or The Civic, Holmfirth or online at https://thecivicholmfirth.org/events

For more information about local Ukrainian support groups email holmevalleyhomesforukraine@gmail.com