Police in Huddersfield launched a national week of action for neighbourhood policing with a dawn raid for drugs in the town.  

The Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team is encouraging residents to keep coming forward with information about crime in their communities after executing a warrant on Briarfield Gardens, Dalton, on Monday January 17.

NPT officers executed a warrant under the Misuse of Drugs Act early on Monday morning and located a cannabis farm and a quantity of cash in the loft space.

The operation was one of a number of initiatives taking place in West Yorkshire as part of the national Neighbourhood Policing Week Of Action.

Insp Graham Dyson, of the Huddersfield NPT, said: “Every day for me is Neighbourhood Policing (NPT) day. However having the national focus on NPT allows us the opportunity to highlight the fantastic work that is going on each day across the town.

“We are constantly assessing and reviewing information regarding drugs with a view to obtaining and executing warrants where possible.

“I am acutely aware how much harm drugs cause to communities, and it is fantastic that the hard work of my team has yet again uncovered another cannabis farm, and prevented the drugs being sold on our streets.”

Insp Dyson (pictured above) added: “I would like to encourage everyone to continue to support our efforts to target those involved in drug production with a view to making our communities safer.

“If anyone has any information regarding the production of drugs, or any other crime, then please don’t hesitate to contact West Yorkshire Police.”

Anyone who has information about criminal activity can contact Huddersfield Police on 101 or online at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/101live chat. Information can also be given anonymously to the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.