Police cadets in Kirklees raised over £800 for two food banks by packing bags for shoppers in Morrisons and Asda.

The teenagers gave up two successive Sundays for a marathon five-hour stint in Morrisons in Huddersfield and Asda in Dewsbury.

The Huddersfield bag pack raised £450 and Dewsbury £400 with all the money spent in store buying food for The Welcome Centre in Huddersfield and Bramwell’s CIC food bank in Dewsbury.

Cadets shopped for the items themselves and delivered the goods to the food banks, helping to unload and even stack the shelves.

Cadet leader PC Sally Baines said: “Police cadets learn about the different roles within the police and also get involved in projects to help their local communities.

“On this occasion, they decided they wanted to raise funds for local food banks and do this by bag packing.

“They all worked really hard and the customers at both stores were so generous both with their spare change, and their time, with lots of people chatting with them and asking about the cadet programme.”

PC Baines said staff in both stores had praised the cadets for being polite and helpful and that customers had clearly agreed as the teenagers had received multiple donations of £5 and £10 notes.

“Raising £850 to help people in their local area is fantastic, especially at this time of year when some families may be really struggling,” she added.

“We want to say a huge thanks to staff at Morrisons in Huddersfield and at Asda in Dewsbury for giving the cadets the opportunity to bag pack in their stores and thank all the customers for their kindness.”