Moldgreen ARLFC’s newly-reformed open age team is enjoying its start to life in the Yorkshire Men’s Rugby League Division 2. Boss Antony Collins is pleased with how the club has started and believes there is a bright future ahead. 

The Moldgreen first team are currently fourth in Division 2, having played three games so far, winning one and losing two. They have two points so far. 

On how the re-formed club has started, Collins said: “It’s been a mixed start to the season as we have picked up quite a few injures which has cost us in games. 

“However, we registered our first win for the 1st team as a newly re-formed team against Odsal Sedbergh recently and our first win as newly-formed Moldgreen A (2nd) team this past week in the cup against Hemsworth Dragons. 

“There has been a couple of weeks’ break for the first team and now we look to have a fairly clean bill of health. 

“On April 15 both teams will be in league action. This is the first time in over 15 years that the club has had two league teams playing on the same day so it will be a big day for us. The first team are away at Wibsey Warriors. 

“As a club we are delighted on how it is going as we have managed to form two squads to field the two teams. All this has been achieved in just four months.

“Thankfully we have had a strong youth system at the club for many years providing players to the pro game and we are now able to call on all of our former juniors who are making up a large percentage of this new playing squad. 

“Special mentions have to go to both our coaching teams Jay Senior, George Collins (both 1st team coaches) and Liam Austwick and Damian Lynch who are our 2nd team coaching staff. Both sets of coaches are backed up by two veterans of the club Daz Boyle who is doing the team management and Richard Shaw who is the first aider.

“We are also partnering up with local physio Connor Kavanagh at CK Sports Massage Therapy & Rehabilitation to offer our players the best advice and treatment.

“Connor is also our player sponsor for both teams and the winners receive a free treatment session. A massive thanks from all at the club to Connor.”