New designs have been revealed for the six-storey apartment blocks which will replace two high-rise blocks of flats in Berry Brow.

Kirklees Council has been moving tenants out of Bishop’s Court and Holme Park Court ahead of their demolition.

In 2021 tenants voted for the rundown 16-storey blocks to be flattened after fears were raised over fire safety in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire disaster.

Initially it was said the scheme would cost £57 million but that was revised to £36 million in June 2022.

The council is now working with architects and the latest plans involve building three six-storey blocks with around 135 “sustainable and affordable” homes.

The old high-rise blocks are a prominent local feature but the new development will be designed to blend into the environment. Improvements will include natural landscaping.



The designs are not final and are likely to change throughout the design development stage.

The council has asked tenants and people in the surrounding area for their views on the designs. Anyone interested can fill out a survey form or email before June 12 2024.



Naz Parkar, service director for homes and neighbourhoods at Kirklees Council, said: “It’s great to see we are moving on to the next phase of regenerating Berry Brow flats and concept designs have been put in place.

“Having input from our tenants and local residents will be a crucial step to making sure we can create a housing scheme that will benefit everyone.

“As a council, we are committed to improving housing standards and this project will contribute greatly to our ambitions through the various design elements proposed.”

A planning application could be submitted later this year.


Council flats at Berry Brow to be used as temporary accommodation for homeless people