Moldgreen ARLFC head coach Jay Senior believes the team has the foundations to build on after a tough start to the season.

The club currently sits 8th in the Yorkshire Men’s Rugby League Division Two with two points from six matches.

Senior said: “We always knew that starting up from scratch was going to be difficult. But that is a challenge we were happy to take on. 

“We have the foundations to build on over the next few seasons. We entered Division 2 as we wanted to test ourselves each week, which is just what is happening. 

“With 80% of the squad under the age of 23 we have a strong future with the club and every game is more experience in the bag.

“Each game has been a learning curve for the players, the staff and the club. We have picked up unfortunate injuries and come up against some strong, organised teams. The good thing is we keep coming away with positives and that’s the main thing.

“Over the next few months, we have quite a few winnable games and hope to gather some momentum to take us into the back end of the season and make a push for the play-offs.” 

Moldgreen go to Queensbury on Saturday June 10 (2.30pm kick off).

Chairman Antony Collins said: “Following a few tough defeats we hope to get back on track with this weekend’s game and look forward to the rest of the campaign.”