A midnight operation to lift a Pacer train into mental health charity Platform 1 at Huddersfield Railway Station had to be called off.

The 15-tonne train arrived on time and was due to be craned over the station wall in a two-hour operation in the early hours of Sunday.

In a complex logistical operation the train was moved into place ready for the lift – but then engineers raised safety fears that could not be overcome.

Huddersfield Hub understands designs for matting on which the crane was to rest were found to be potentially unsafe and the lift was postponed on safety grounds.

VIDEO: Watch as Pacer train arrives in St George’s Square ready for the lift that never was. Video and images by: ANDY HIRST

The delay proved hugely frustrating for staff and volunteers at Platform 1 who had been planning the operation for months with Network Rail, station officials and engineers.

It is hoped the lift could take place next weekend but that is dependent on the police as a police escort is needed for the 150-tonne crane which arrives on the back of a slow-moving low-loader.

Platform 1 won the Pacer in a competition organised by the Department of Transport and the decommissioned train has been painted in the charity’s colours. Right now it’s all dressed up with nowhere to go.

The train will eventually be used as a kitchen and training centre.