A Yorkshire-centric design agency is promising a fresh, ‘stripped back’ approach – and has pledged to help develop the next generation of designers.

Slaithwaite-based Single Thread Ltd was launched in March this year by experienced design industry duo Marcus Morgan-Etty and Andy Ashton who believed there must be a better way.

Marcus was a developer in hospitality and worked with some of the top agencies in Europe but often found them slow and ponderous. Some of the work, he said, was often “ego-driven” and “superfluous.”

Andy, meanwhile, was a successful graphic designer and web developer in Holmfirth working on small scale projects but he wanted to work on more creative, strategic and immersive design.

The result is Single Thread and Marcus said: “We are Yorkshire and proud and we’re about turning the way an agency operates on its head, stripping out what’s not needed and giving the savings back to our clients.

“We want to change how people perceive design agencies with a fresh approach. We are not just another agency and we can do everything the big agencies can do but without the price tag.”

Marcus said the aim was to do things differently and added: “We believe everyone should have access to high-quality design services, not just big companies with large budgets.

“Our goal is to simplify the design process and remove unnecessary expenses, making it more efficient and cost-effective.

“Single Thread was born out of frustration with the high costs of traditional agencies and the desire to help smaller businesses and start-ups who need to stand out in a highly competitive market but have limited budgets.

“We work remotely, which keeps costs down, which allows us to keep our services in-house and pass on those savings to our clients. Our approach is all about simplicity, efficiency and providing great design services to all.”

Single Thread is also building partnerships with other Yorkshire businesses to help them succeed and thrive and also wants to support the next generation.

Marcus added: “We take pride in our Yorkshire roots and are committed to actively supporting and developing local talent.

“Our goal is to put Yorkshire on the global stage by working with a group of talented individuals and promoting the region’s growth.

“We have established partnerships with local universities and innovation hubs. As we expand, we plan to hire directly from these institutions and mentor the next generation of designers, giving them a chance to work with us.

“Our philosophy is based on the successful practices I utilised in the hospitality industry of getting talent from universities and mentoring them so they can open their own company in the future.

“By building strong relationships and accessing young talent, we can ensure the future of Yorkshire design. As we grow, we will bring on new generations and provide them with opportunities to thrive.”

For more information go the Single Thread website HERE.