Brave police officers who put themselves in harm’s way, vigilant council staff and community-spirited members of the public were honoured in the Kirklees Policing Awards 2023.

More than 60 uniformed officers and detectives, PCSOs, police civilian staff, Kirklees Council staff and members of the public were recognised at a special ceremony hosted by Kirklees Police commander Chief Supt Jim Griffiths.

The bumper ceremony at Dewsbury Town Hall saw more than 22 commendations. Police officers and residents who put themselves at risk to save lives and officers who hunted down sex offenders and protected children from exploitation were also recognised.

Among the awards given were commendations to Kirklees Council CCTV staff, West Yorkshire Police firearms officers and Kirklees child safeguarding detectives.

Their quick thinking and teamwork on receiving a report that a child had been abducted from a park in Holmfirth in June 2019, resulted in the man being located, arrested and the victim rescued within 15 minutes of the report being made.  

The man was later jailed after pleading guilty to child abduction and being found guilty of two counts of sexual assault.

Also commended were now retired police inspector Graham Dyson and member of the public Victoria Lawton for putting themselves at risk to go and provide life saving first aid to an assault victim surrounded by an angry crowd during a disorder incident in Huddersfield.

Commendations were also given to two detectives whose dedication in investigating a serious long term domestic abuse case, and supporting the vulnerable victim ensured the case went to trial where the offender received a significant custodial sentence.

Huddersfield PCSO Jake Murphy and Dewsbury PCSO Annette Still were also commended for their separate projects to protect vulnerable people from criminal exploitation in their communities.

Chief Supt Griffiths said: “Seeing the heroism, dedication to duty and selflessness demonstrated by colleagues and residents honoured in these awards is quite humbling.

“These commendations take in events which span several years now, and looking across them, it is heartening to see so much exceptional work being done, and to see that work have a real impact in communities.

“Awards this year have been given to officers who have been utterly dedicated to seeking justice for victims in some extremely hard to investigate sexual offence and domestic abuse cases. That dedication has resulted in dangerous men being jailed and vulnerable victims safeguarded.

“It is also really heartening to see so many members of the public rewarded for going above and beyond to support their fellow residents in times of need.

“In several cases residents have put themselves at real risk to help others in need, demonstrating that community spirit really is alive and well in our neighbourhoods. 

“I want to pass on my congratulations to all those honoured in the ceremony and thank officers and staff across Kirklees for their continued hard work, day in day out, to make our communities safer.”

Awards included

  • PC Richard Woods, PC Craig Webster, PC Oliver Maskery, PC Steven Dykes, PC Victoria Foale, PC Dani Nugent, DS Yvonne Brear, DS Nicki Askew, DI Paul Greatorex, PS Rhiannon Sykes, DC Chris Eglen, DC Rachel Jenkinson and Tracy Kett and Elliot Carter from the Kirklees CCTV team  

For the co-ordinated teamwork involved and effective response to a sex offender who had abducted a child from a local park. The subsequent hard work from all the officers involved meant that the suspect was located and convicted of numerous sexual offences against a young child.

  • DI Mark Catney, DI Denise Bell, PS Michael McGowan, DC Sally Hughes. 

For their efforts and dedication to locating a high-risk missing person, sadly found deceased. They demonstrated professionalism and compassion to the family, which was recognised by HM Coroner and the family.  

  • Royal Humane Society Awards for Special Constable Theresa Parker, PC Adam Sultan and PC Liam Hay

For their humanity, promptitude and skill in resuscitating a man in an incident in Huddersfield on June 25 2021.

  • PCSO Annette Still, PCSO Julie Buxton 

For their excellent work on Operation Tourcastle. The operation saw both officers implement a community engagement presentation to increase awareness of child criminal exploitation within schools in the Dewsbury and Mirfield areas.

  • Royal Humane Society Award for member of the public Victoria Lawton and Insp Graham Dyson

For their bravery and humanity in going to the aid of a man who had been assaulted in an incident in August 2021. Victoria saw the unconscious man surrounded by an unruly crowd, and with no thought to her safety, went to assist him and provide CPR. Insp Dyson then arrived on scene and jointly carried out resuscitation with her. Victoria had attended a first aid course some years ago and had clearly realised the seriousness of the situation and was able to use the training to bring the male around, even putting herself at risk by undertaking mouth to mouth resuscitation. Their efforts were instrumental in saving the man’s life.

  • Mr Tony Clifton

For his years of commitment and service to his local community. His passion for Neighbourhood Watch made a difference to his local area and helped many, often vulnerable, individuals feel safer in their own homes.

  • DS Carolyne White 

The recipient of a judge’s commendation for her professionalism in preparing a criminal case for court in which a defendant was sentenced for GBH.

  • Police staff member Chris Piggin 

For his actions on two occasions in which he demonstrated, bravery, professionalism and commitment to putting public safety first. In one, during lockdown in February 2021, Chris went to the assistance of very ill looking man who had collapsed in the street. Despite suspecting the male had Covid, Chris provided immediate first aid. In the second, while off duty, he intervened at the scene of an injury RTC he had come across. Chris took car keys from a female driver he suspected of being intoxicated and kept her at the scene. She was later arrested and prosecuted for being over the drink-drive limit.

  • A Royal Humane Society Award for member of the public Andrew Farrell and a fellow resident

For their action in saving a stab victim’s life in an incident in Mirfield in August 2021. Both provided first aid to a man who had suffered serious stab wounds.

  • DC Chloe Nelson

For her professional and diligent work in supporting a victim of sexual abuse to speak out against the perpetrator. The male was charged and the case is now awaiting trial.

  • A judge’s commendation for PS Josh Setterfield, PC Samuel Johnson and two members of the public

For their actions in doing what they could to assist a woman who had been stabbed and for the officers in getting the suspect off a bridge. 

  • A Royal Humane Society Award for PS Graham Slarke, PC Jacob Slawinski, PC Steven Hall and PC Jackson

For their actions in November 2021 in reviving a man who suffered a medical episode in a police station. It was resolved unanimously that the humanity, promptitude and skill of these men should be recognised by the award of the Resuscitation Certificate for assisting in restoring a man to life on November 1 2021.

  • PCSO Jake Murphy 

For his hard work and commitment in gathering information and intelligence which led to a very successful warrant and safeguarding of young people in parts of Huddersfield. Jake is recognised as being a the forefront of neighbourhood policing on his ward and for having fantastic operational knowledge. 

  • Lee Norris (Kirklees District Training Officer)

Recognised for his commitment to learning in his role as District Training Officer. He found new ways to engage with staff to make sure that they take their own personal development seriously. The personal pride he shows ensures that each event he organises is enjoyable and connects with people.

  • PC Daniel Johnson and members of the public, Greg O’Neil and Barry Nuckley 

For PC Johnson’s brave actions while off duty in spotting and preventing a burglary in progress and then chasing and detaining the burglar who was armed with a hammer. Both members of the public are commended for their actions in helping bring the male under control.  

  • PC Charlotte Buxton, DS Chris Middleton

For their dedication and professionalism in investigating a serious long-term domestic abuse case, in which they supported the vulnerable victim and ensured the case went to trial where the offender received a significant custodial sentence.

  • DC Callum Watson, PC Dean Hemingway

All officers were commended for their professionalism in dealing with a violent disorder in Deighton in April 2021 in which officers were assaulted and intimidated by offenders on quad bikes. Their dedication and commitment resulted in an offender being convicted with violent disorder.

  • Royal Humane Society Award for three members of the public including Zeynap Mohammed and Loiay Omran

All three were awarded a Resuscitation Certificate from the Royal Humane Society for their actions in rescuing a man in a canal in Huddersfield in November 2021. All three put themselves at risk to drag him out of the canal and then commenced first aid/CPR and contacted the emergency services. The man made a full recovery.

  • Patricia Crisp

In recognition of the years of commitment and service to her community. Patricia’s passion for Neighbourhood Watch has made a difference to those within her local area and helped many, often vulnerable individuals, feel safer in their own homes.

  • DC Louise Simpson and DI Paul Greatorex

Both were awarded a judge’s commendation for a painstaking investigation resulting in a man being sentenced in August 2020 for child sexual offences.

  • DC Yvonne Brear

For her investigation which resulted in a Kirklees man being given an extended 18-year sentence after pleading guilty to the rape of a child and other sexual offences. Her dedication resulted in the conviction of a dangerous child sex offender.

  • DC Nichola Thomson, DC Chloe Nelson, DC Kim Fowler, PC Cameron West, ADS Liv Connor, DS Carolyne White

For their hard work in supporting the most vulnerable of victims of domestic abuse through the criminal justice process in a 2021 investigation. Their empathic investigative approach ensured best evidence was achieved and the defendant was found guilty and convicted.

  • Royal Humane Society Award for PC Andy Mallinson

PC Mallinson was presented with a Resuscitation Certificate for saving a man’s life on October 8 2021. While off duty, PC Mallinson provided mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a man in respiratory arrest.