Lindley councillor Cahal Burke will become the new Mayor of Kirklees next week with his daughter Sinead as mayoress.

Clr Burke, a Liberal Democrat councillor first elected to Kirklees Council in 2010, has served as deputy mayor to outgoing Mayor of Kirklees Clr Masood Ahmed for the last year.

The new Deputy Mayor of Kirklees will be Dewsbury South councillor Nosheen Dad. Her husband Shiraz Khan will be consort.

The new-look civic team was announced at Clr Ahmed’s final civic reception, held at Dewsbury Town Hall.

The reception was held to thank organisations and businesses in the district for hosting both the mayor and deputy mayor at events throughout the past year.

At the reception, Clr Ahmed gave his heartfelt thanks to everybody he has met and the events he and his mayoress daughter Iram attended in what was an historic year.

“It has been an incredible year for myself and my daughter Iram,” said Clr Ahmed. “It was a momentous year as we witnessed the Platinum Jubilee, the sad passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the Coronation of our new King.

“At the start of my year I wanted to visit as many parts of our great district as possible and meet the incredible people who live and work here.

“Thanks to the kind-heartedness, generosity and hard work of community groups, businesses and charities this exceeded my wildest expectations.

“It has been an honour being mayor and I want to thank everybody I have met for making it so incredibly special. I have created so many memories that I will never forget.”

Clr Burke has chosen to support two charities during his term of office. His charity appeal will support the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Charity and the Huddersfield Royal Air Force Association.

Clr Burke said: “I’ve had a wonderful time this last year as deputy mayor, meeting some of the people doing fantastic work in Kirklees and contributing to their communities.

“It is a great honour and privilege to be mayor especially as Kirklees Council celebrates its 50th anniversary next year.

“I am looking forward to getting to meet many more community groups, organisations and businesses during my term of office that make our district a special place to live, work and visit.”

Clr Dad added: “It is an honour to be selected to represent the district as deputy mayor and I am looking forward to undertaking this important civic role.

“I enjoy working as a ward councillor and seeing the positive work going on and this opportunity will give me a fantastic chance to meet more groups and organisations that are helping to make our whole district thrive.”

Clr Burke will take up office at the Mayor Making ceremony at Huddersfield Town Hall on Wednesday May 24 (12.30pm). The public is invited to attend or the ceremony can be watched live on YouTube.

Anyone attending should arrive at Huddersfield Town Hall via Princess Street and be seated by 12.20pm.

As a councillor Clr Burke has served on the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, being the lead member for the Children’s Scrutiny panel for many years.

He has also served on planning and licensing committees along with being deputy group leader and group business manager of the Lib Dem Group.

Clr Burke has also served on outside bodies including The Peak District National Park Authority, the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority and the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel.

Clr Dad was elected to the Dewsbury South ward for Labour in 2015. As councillor she has served on the Appeal Panel. She has also been appointed to outside bodies including the Walker and Greenwood Educational Charity and the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education.