As Kirklees Year of Music 2023 gears up for a dedicated year-long celebration, the initiative is hosting a day-long co-design event, the Year of Music Pollinator, at Dewsbury Town Hall on Thursday April 7.  

The Pollinator is a day-long event run by the Kirklees Year of Music 2023 (KYOM23) team and funded through Arts Council of England project grants. The aim of the day is to bring people from across the music ecology of Kirklees together to help design, shape and cross-pollinate the Year of Music programme.   

Attending the event will be musicians, teachers, youth workers, singers, recording artists, theatre-makers, filmmakers, community volunteers, students, university researchers, business owners and young people.

The participants were chosen over eight months of the KYOM23 team meeting as many people as possible from across Kirklees, who have a vested interest in the Year of Music and what it can achieve for our region. 

On the day, attendees will take part in a day-long workshop working in small teams, helping develop ideas and themes for KYOM23 and coming up with some amazing ideas of their own which they may want to explore further. It will also be an opportunity to find new relationships and partnerships – building stronger music networks across Kirklees. 

All participants will work on one of five big questions which form the framework of KYOM23’s ambitions. As part of the day-long event, attendees will be tasked with generating an idea for a project, programme or manifesto which addresses one of these big questions. 

KYOM23 is being developed in consultation and with input from as large and broad a community as possible. The Pollinator will allow a large group of stakeholders from across our communities to have creative input into KYOM23. The Arts Council grant also includes some seed funding to explore interesting ideas which emerge from the day further. 

Commenting on the upcoming Pollinator event, artistic programmer William Galinsky said: “We’re really looking forward to the Pollinator event and being able to get all these amazing, musical minds in one room to help drive our dedicated Year of Music forward. 

“It’s going to be a very interactive day where we’re hoping to gather as much insight and inspiration from a range of participants as possible.

“The whole Year of Music will be inspired and guided by the community across the region and we think this Pollinator event is a great way to begin our work together as we tune-up for the year-long celebration.”

Find out more about Kirklees Year of Music here: