Kirklees Council is to resume its summer night-time noise nuisance service next month.

From Friday May 3 2024 the council will operate overnight on Friday and Saturday nights to deal with complaints of noise and disturbance.

The council is asking people to consider and respect their neighbours whilst enjoying summer gatherings by keeping noise to a minimum to avoid causing distress to those living nearby.

The council will deal with complaints about such as loud music, burglar alarms or barking dogs.

The night-time noise service will run on Friday and Saturday nights between 9pm and 3am until the end of September.

Anyone subjected to nuisance noise can call the night-time noise team on 01484 414828.

Council officers may visit problem areas to investigate and where possible attempt to resolve the issue on the night. If this is not possible, they will follow up shortly afterwards.

The night-time noise service also responds to calls about commercial premises so residents living near a venue, such as a pub or bar, can also call this number if excessive noise becomes an issue.

The night-time noise team are usually quick to identify any problems and resolve noise complaints swiftly.

Rachel Spencer-Henshall, strategic director for corporate strategy, commissioning and public health, said: “What some people experience as a fun and harmless get-together can be a very upsetting situation for others. If noise carries on late into the night this can affect the quality of life for neighbouring residents.

The summer night-time noise team will provide advice and support and where possible help deal directly with any problems on an informal basis.

“The team have legal powers to resolve complaints if this isn’t possible. If you do experience noise between 9pm and 3am on Friday or Saturday nights, make sure you use the service provided by calling 01484 414828.”

For more information visit the council’s noise nuisance webpage for advice or ring officers during normal office hours on 01484 414739.