A councillor has asked for assurances that there are enough care home places in Huddersfield to accommodate the residents of a Lepton care home which has announced its sudden closure.

On Friday, Valley View Care Home in Wakefield Road told families they had just four weeks to find alternative accommodation.

Kirklees Council stepped in to remind the home they had to give 12 weeks’ notice and officers are now working with families to find new homes in the local area.

Clr Alison Munro (Lib Dem, Almondbury) raised the issue at a meeting of Kirklees Council’s Cabinet on Tuesday asking if there were sufficient places elsewhere to find homes for the 46 residents.

In reply, Clr Jackie Ramsay, Cabinet member for health and social care, said Kirklees “found out very late in the day” but officers were working closely with families.

Clr Ramsay added: “Initially they said there would be a four-week period but that’s not the case. Ideally, we will work on that 12-week process.

“Within the care home family there’s sufficient places for the 46 residents. Our officers are working very closely with the private sector to look at where the families and residents would want to be placed and to ensure they have a safe transfer into new provision. It’s early days but, yes, there will be enough facility within the patch.”

In a statement, the home’s directors spoke of their “sincere regret” saying the home was “no longer financially viable” and would close permanently within the next three months.

There has been speculation in the local community about what the building might be used for and Clr Munro asked Clr Ramsay: “Have you been told what the future plans are for the building once it closes?”

Clr Ramsay replied: “No, we haven’t been told but it’s a purpose-built care home and so the assumption would be that another care provider may wish to purchase it.”

A Kirklees Council spokesperson said: “We are working with the owners of Valley View Care Home as they look to cease operations for residents in Kirklees.

“We are supporting service users and their families to make sure individual care needs are met with an alternative care provider.

“The contractual notice period for the home to close is 12 weeks and the home has been notified that care for residents should continue during this time.”