Kirklees foster families who have spent up to three decades caring for local children have been celebrated at a special event.

Carers from across the district joined together as Kirklees Council honoured the profound difference they make to children every day.

There were long-service milestones of between five and 30 years, with flowers, certificates and gift vouchers being presented to carers before afternoon tea was served.

In total, the families had spent an amazing 440 years caring for vulnerable children and young people.

Clr Viv Kendrick, Cabinet member for children, said: “Foster carers change lives and it’s so important that we recognise their value to our community.

“Children who need care have often faced very difficult times. Foster carers provide safe, secure and loving homes just when they are needed the most.

“Fostering for so many years shows incredible commitment, but it also highlights that carers themselves find the role so rewarding.

“We were delighted to hold this event for our wonderful foster families. If you can help us to support Kirklees children, please get in touch.”

Fostering with Kirklees Council helps to ensure that local children who can’t live with their birth parents are able to stay close to their friends, family and school.

People can become foster carers regardless of their marital status, sexuality, religious or cultural background. You can be a homeowner or renting, employed or unemployed, retired or on benefits and be with or without children.

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