Members of Kirkburton Karate Club raised more than £6,500 for a hospital unit which helped its instructor and sensei, Colin Hanson, rebuild his life after two strokes.

Colin suffered the strokes in 2019 which caused some brain damage and left him paralysed down his right side and unable to speak, read or write.

He underwent rehabilitation at Calderdale Stroke Unit and is now recovering and back running the club full-time.

Members wanted to thank the unit for their life-saving work by raising funds and organised a fitness circuit where youngsters and parents took part.

Despite his health problems Colin was determined to keep the club together during the pandemic and his family would do the talking for him during Zoom sessions.

Colin said: “We have a great team of coaches and we managed to keep the club going and now I’m back I’m doing what I can. The club is growing all the time and that is brilliant to see.”

Reflecting on the fitness challenge itself Colin added: “The challenge was a great success with the kids really enjoying it.

“We had eight sections with a minute on each and they were trying to get the best score possible. We had people taking part from the age of five up to 61.

“The unit has asked us to go and do a presentation on the ward which is really special. I have had tears in my eyes with the amount of effort and funds we have raised. It’s unbelievable.”