When setting up a new business you’d think the worst time to do it would be in the middle of a global pandemic. However, that’s not Joe Jenkins’ view.

The 24-year-old former joiner was sick of doing the same old job for not much money. So six months ago he decided to take the plunge and become a full time fitness instructor. 

Having completed his qualifications, and the fact he was already doing some personal training work on the side, he thought it made total sense to go full-time. 

Joe said: “I was working for a company that made bespoke doors and I just wasn’t enjoying it. It was long hours for not great pay and when I got home, I had tea, went to the gym, and then to bed. Then I’d get up and do it all over again. It just wasn’t enjoyable and I knew I needed to change something. 

“I’d always done the personal training bit alongside the job and I enjoyed doing that a lot more. I’ve always been into fitness and being healthy. 

“I love helping people and seeing them get fitter. I love to see people’s transformation and seeing them smile and be happy with their progress.”

After a year of doing the joinery job, Joe wanted to leave and follow his passion for fitness. Having helped a number of friends out, Joe’s business began to take off and now he trains eight people in the gym every week.

He also has eight online clients and he builds dedicated healthy eating and fitness plans around their lives. Some of these online clients are based as far away as America. 

Joe is determined to make a success of his new business and added: “There’s lots of people who want to get fitter, especially since we have come out of lockdown. The gyms are already fully booked up so you can already tell how much people have missed them. 

“Lots of people tried putting me down when I first wanted to do it. You quickly get to work out who are the good people in your life. It was a hard decision for me from the point of view it was giving up a steady job. However I made that call and don’t regret it.

“I think that my business can go wherever it wants to go. I really enjoy putting plans together for people and working out what is best for them, because we are all different. We all respond to differently.” 

Joe spends up to five hours each day in the gym training himself or his clients. 

When asked what his ultimate dream was, Joe said: “I’d love to one day open my own gym. I just love what I’m doing so much. So that would be my dream for sure.”

To find out more about Joe’s business and how you can take up his services just click the link HERE.