Kirklees Council is proposing more changes to the roads in Huddersfield town centre close to the town’s railway station – which could include creating two tree-lined ‘boulevards’ with a 20mph zone.

The council says John William Street and Northumberland Street are “dominated by vehicles” and wants to make them safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

As part of the Huddersfield Rail Station Connections scheme, the council wants to add cycle lanes on both sides of the streets, running in the same direction as traffic.

They also want to:

  • Add new pedestrian crossings in John William Street near the junction with Brook Street; and in Northumberland Street near the junctions with Lord Street and Byram Street;
  • Remove parking on both John William Street and Northumberland Street;
  • Close Wood Street to traffic between Northumberland Street and Brook Street;
  • Reverse the one-way system on Byram Street to allow access from Northumberland Street;
  • Remove the taxi rank in John William Street opposite the George Hotel.

How Northumberland Street could look with cycle lanes

The council has launched public consultation on three options and Option 3 involves narrowing both John William Street and Northumberland Street and putting a central reservation lined with trees down the middle.

Roadside parking bays would be removed to widen the pavements and there would be an avenue of trees down the middle of the road. The road space would be shared by vehicles and cyclists so the council proposes to cut the speed limit to 20mph.

READ MORE: Travel hubs planned for Huddersfield town centre

Kirklees Council says Option 3 would make it easier and safer for cyclists and pedestrians and the streetscape would be “greener and more pleasant.” There would also be the opportunity to install public art in the newly-created central reservation.

For more information or to have your say go to Consultation is open until November 8.

READ MORE: Bright and bold new look for dismal town centre underpass