By Martin Shaw, Huddersfield Hub editor

It’s Huddersfield Hub’s third birthday and I want to ask for your support to help take us to the next level.

We’ve come a long way since we launched on February 7 2021 and we’ve established ourselves as a new voice for the town with our unique brand of positive news and quality journalism.

Huddersfield Hub is an antidote to the constant diet of bad news that fills our screens and chokes our social media feeds.

Over the three years we’ve created a new platform for the community to share their good news.

We’ve helped our smaller charities, community groups and fundraisers find a new, kind and generous audience.

We’ve helped new independent shops and small businesses introduce themselves to the community and new customers.

We’ve helped our brilliant grassroots sports clubs get their message out, supporting people with their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

We’re also helping promote Huddersfield beyond its boundaries, to showcase the town as a great place to invest, something that will benefit us all.

We’re partners with the University of Huddersfield, the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre and Kirklees Council on the Kirklees Top 100, which celebrates the biggest and best companies in Kirklees.

We also actively support Huddersfield Unlimited, a business-led organisation promoting the town to outside investors.

We do ‘proper’ journalism. We aim to be a critical friend to Kirklees Council. We all want to see the Kirklees district thrive but in these toughest of times for local authority finances, media scrutiny is needed now more than ever.

Over three years we’ve shown what we can do with a small team but we can do so much more – and that’s where you come in.

To coincide with our third birthday we are launching our Patrons scheme. This is a voluntary subscription for our readers to show their support for Huddersfield Hub.

For just £4.99 a month you can help Huddersfield Hub invest in more local journalism and stand up for the town and its people.

Patrons will receive a fortnightly email newsletter with an exclusive first-read story, a behind-the-scenes insight from the Editor (me!) and special reader offers.

The £4.99 a month is less than the cost of a coffee and a slice of cake and much less than the £11.80 per WEEK that the Huddersfield Examiner costs these days.

Unlike other local newspapers we’re NOT going to charge for our stories by putting up paywalls and we’re NOT going to flood our website with invasive pop-up adverts that make reading stories such a pain.

Huddersfield Hub will ALWAYS be free to read so no-one is excluded but for us to grow and become the go-to website for Huddersfield news, sport, business, what’s on and local information we need your support.

Huddersfield Hub is a Community Interest Company (CIC), a not-for-profit business set up for the benefit of the community.

If you love what we do and what we stand for then please sign up as a Patron. Support Huddersfield Hub to support Huddersfield and its amazing community.

To sign up click on the link HERE where you can become a Patron or make a one-off donation of any amount of your choice to help Huddersfield Hub thrive and grow.

Please join us on our journey. Thanks for your support!