Residents are being invited to have their say about the current provision of home adaptations to help improve and shape services in the future.

An independent review is being carried out to find ways of enhancing experiences and outcomes, to help people live independently and with dignity in Kirklees.

External consultant Foundations is carrying out the 12-week review and has been engaging with service users, community groups, stakeholder organisations and council staff as part of the process.

Information has been collected via interviews, focus groups and workshops including those who have had previous experience of the adaptations service

Clr Cathy Scott, Cabinet member for housing and democracy, said: “We are committed to supporting people in Kirklees to live independently and experience positive outcomes.

“This review is important because we want the learning from it to truly shape how we do things in future.

“We’re also very keen to work with service users, their families, colleagues and partners to hear their views about how we can improve services in the future.”

After the review findings are shared, the council wants to continue working with local people and organisations to shape decision making about what happens next.

Anyone wanting to give their views as part of the independent review can do so by emailing by Monday June 6, 2022.