Here’s our just-for-fun quiz to test your knowledge about Her Majesty The Queen on her 70th jubilee weekend. The answers are at the bottom. No cheating please!

1.   What year did The Queen became the longest reigning Monarch in British history, surpassing the reign of her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria?  

A) 2014

B) 2015

C) 2016

2. How many official portraits have been done of the Queen. The first was in 1933 when she was seven years old.

A) 150

B) 200

C) 250

3. When did The Queen make her first radio broadcast?

A) 1940

B) 1950

C) 1953

4. The Queen joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service (the women’s branch of the British Army during the Second World War), but what was her role?

A) Driving and maintaining vehicles

B) Anti-aircraft unit

C) Radar operator

5.  In 1986 The Queen became the first British Monarch to visit which country?

A) Iraq

B) Afghanistan

C) China

6. What year did The Queen send her first email?

A) 1976

B) 1986

C) 1996

7. How many corgis and dorgis has the Queen owned?

A) 17

B) 30

C) 41

8) What year did Her Majesty and The Duke of Edinburgh celebrate their Platinum (70th) Wedding Anniversary?

A) 2016

B) 2017

C) 2018

9. The Queen has been served by how many Prime Ministers during her reign? Her first Prime Minister was Winston Churchill. 

A) 14

B) 16

C) 18

10. The longest overseas tour The Queen has undertaken began in Bermuda in November 1953. How many days was she away?

A) 50

B) 101

C) 168

11. There has been a Trooping the Colour Parade every year of The Queen’s reign apart from 1955. But why was it cancelled?

A) A train strike

B) A severe storm was forecast

C) The Queen was ill

12. How many crowns did The Queen wear on Coronation Day?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3


1 September 9, 2015; 2. 200; 3 Her Majesty made her first radio broadcast in 1940 when, aged 14, she recorded a message of support for young people affected by the war in Europe on the BBC’s Children’s Hour; 4 As a subaltern she learned to drive and maintain vehicles; 5 China; 6 On March 26, 1976, Her Majesty sent her first email during a visit to the Royal Radar Establishment, Malvern, now known as the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment. The email was sent to the US Secretary of Defence; 7 Her Majesty has owned 30 Corgis and Dorgis during her reign, most of which have been descended from her first Corgi, Susan, who was gifted to her on her 18th birthday in 1944; 8 2017; 9 14; 10 168 days – the tour ended in Gibraltar in May 1954; 11 A train strike; 12 The Queen wore two crowns on her Coronation Day. St Edward’s Crown (which was used for the crowning ceremony) and the Imperial State Crown which was worn for the return procession and subsequent balcony appearances at Buckingham Palace.

* Quiz compiled by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR ( specialising in press releases, blogging and copywriting. Copyright Andy Hirst.