Huddersfield YMCA Women are hosting their Inner Warrior Camp on Sunday May 16 (11.30am-2pm) at Laund Hill Sports Ground.

The aim is to introduce more women to the game and Dave Beal, the club’s director of women’s and girls’ rugby, is looking forward to welcoming anyone wanting to try the sport.

He said: “Hopefully we’ll have plenty of players turn up. Even if we end up just recruiting one new player that’s a success for me.

“We wanted to hold a few more days but due to the lockdown we haven’t been able to. So this is the first session we’ll be doing, it’s been three weeks in the making. 

“Anyone over the age of 11 can come to the event. We’ll be running it in two strands. One will be a junior section for girls under the age of 18. Then we’ll run an adult section. 

“Anyone of any ability can turn up and have a go. We want people to come on the day and enjoy themselves and make new friends. We want them to get involved in the sport. You don’t have to have played before, just come and try it out. 

“We’ve had some sign ups already so I’m hoping for good numbers on the day. I just hope the weather stays nice because that might entice a few more people to come along.” 

Dave and his team currently have 15 players however the end goal is to have at least a squad for each age group.

He said: “I began running the women’s section back in October. We had lost a lot of players so it’s my task to build that back up. 

“I want to have each age group have their own team. At the moment if the girls want to play we are having to join with other clubs. So the long term aim is to move away from that and for each age group to be totally of our club and wear our shirt.”