Huddersfield YM Junior Academy (U18 Colts) are one of the few teams in the local area to maintain a team for this age of player.

With a squad of over 20, some of the players have been with the club since they were three years old and as a result the team contains a tight-knit group.

Unfortunately, the Coronavirus pandemic wiped out the plans made for the U17s season, however, the squad still met twice a week to train in accordance with Government and RFU guidelines.

The plans for entering the Yorkshire League structure, the National Cup and an overseas tour for the first time will now be carried over with excitement into the 2021/22 season.

The team will also be more closely aligned with the senior section as the players start to come of age and be available for selection for open-age rugby.

To take a full team through the age groups into adult rugby rarely happens now – but that won’t stop the players from trying!

Training sessions with current first team players, as well as former Premiership player Joe Ford, have buoyed the players’ enthusiasm and desire to get back into rugby when allowed.

The team is always on the look-out for new players to join the thriving set-up, so anybody who is interested should contact the club.