Huddersfield Town’s new owner Kevin Nagle got a rousing reception from supporters on Thursday night when he met fans for his first public Q&A session.

Speaking at the two-hour event hosted by Cowshed Loyal at Magic Rock Taproom in Birkby, Nagle confirmed the club are in talks with Netflix over a TV documentary, and that the Terriers are close to signing some new players. He also gave his views on the future of the John Smith’s Stadium and on the club’s merchandise. 

One of the rumours that’s been doing the rounds for weeks now was that Town were in discussions with a streaming platform to take their Up The Town YouTube documentary series to the next level. Nagle confirmed the club had spoken to Netflix. 

He said: “There are negotiations going on with Netflix about the story of our takeover and the special nature of this football club. 

“It is a story that needs to be told, and we want this club punching above its weight nationally and internationally.” 

Following that confirmation there were many questions asked about what improvements can be made to the John Smith’s Stadium and what plans Nagle and his team have for the land around the ground. 

On this topic he said: “I want the stadium. We have to negotiate about it. We had a meeting where we danced around everything but the actual question. It needs a lot of capital improvements, but it’s a process we’re going to have to go through. 

“It is a high priority. There is a management company that operates a lot of the services that people are frustrated with. I can say that what I see is a bigger idea than what’s there. The land behind the stadium just sits there and that could change the whole ecosystem of how the club operates. 

“Jake Edwards has been on a mandate from me to improve the customer service around the club. We want to improve the customer service at the club. 

“We want to hear about some of the things that we’re introducing. We’ve added some more kiosks for beer and new food locations on matchday, as well as adding some local bands.” 

Nagle also suggested that investing in areas around the stadium or in the town centre itself would be beneficial for the club. Town taking on the former Gas Club – a once-popular watering hole for fans on their way to the ground – was also suggested.

Nagle said: “The club should help downtown Huddersfield. There are lots of businesses that are shut down, and we want to stick a flag in there and help with the club. We have been to look at what the Gas Club looks like. We’re looking at some other areas that serve in its absence if we can’t go there.”

Nagle is also a fried chicken fan and would love to get Marstons Chicken Shop, one of the town’s iconic brands, into the stadium somehow.

Huddersfield Hub sports editor Steven Downes meets Kevin Nagle

One of the other major topics was transfers and the potential for new signings. So far the Terriers have added goalkeeper Chris Maxwell and full-back Tom Edwards to the squad but bar that there has been no other incomings. 

Nagle is confident the club will be able to sign some players before the window closes at the end of August and isn’t panicking just yet. 

He said: “After the Plymouth result, people want to hit the panic button. That isn’t what I’m about. We’re going to be doing some signings, they’re just about done, but they have to be the right people. 

“I’m not panicking. I’m still excited about this year. In the end, we play a long game. We don’t play crisis-orientated football.”

The US businessman also gave us an insight into what Town fans can expect from the merchandise department in the future and believes this part of the club can be radically changed and improved. 

Nagle said: “We need to change it. We’ve notified the companies that currently produce it that we’re opting out of the last year. I think we can do better, and if we use some joint powers with Sac Republic, we can get going.” 

Nagle has in interviews been quite forward in his thinking about restoring the Terriers academy, closed under the stewardship of previous owner Dean Hoyle. Nagle has plans to re-open the academy in some format. 

He said: “I believe that when you look at clubs, you will see a lot of their first team players coming from the academy. That creates a lot of opportunities for us. 

“It makes the academy much more communal, and I believe that the academy system has proven itself. We can’t just operate on signings from the window alone. 

“When you look at the big clubs, players can get lost in the system. We will demonstrate our difference on how we treat our players.”

READ MORE: Kirklees Council could hand over control of the John Smith’s Stadium and make Town ‘masters of their own destiny’

Town currently have the cheapest season tickets in the league. Nagle was asked if that pricing structure was going to be continued from Dean Hoyle’s time in charge of the club. 

“If we’re going to drive revenues and sign players of higher calibre, we’re going to have to increase the quality,” said Nagle. “Does that mean we have to increase the prices? No it doesn’t. 

“We’re going to try to do some different things, and the only way we can raise prices is if we increase the value to you as the fans.”

Finally, Nagle confirmed he will be attending a number of matches this year and will be a regular visitor to Huddersfield. 

He said: “Well as of this week it’ll be at least three! I hope to be here every four to six weeks, that’s the goal. It’d be a lot of fun to bring my family here.”

The free event was run by supporters’ group Cowshed Loyal, if you’d like to donate, click the link HERE.