Written by Leah Dorotiak (Лія Доротяк), Little Ukrainian Blog. 

This week, 25 tons of aid is setting off from Huddersfield to various locations in Ukraine.

In the midst of conflict and suffering in Ukraine, there are still rays of hope that shine through, thanks to organisations like Huddersfield to Ukraine Humanitarian Aid.

Founded by Tim Marsden and his wife Deborah, this group has been a beacon of light for many Ukrainians affected by the illegal invasion.

For over a year, the people of Ukraine have endured relentless attacks from Russia, resulting in the need for essential supplies.

The group have made several previous trips to provide these life-saving supplies, which include medical equipment, clothing, trench candles, and toiletries. This 25-ton journey is their most ambitious yet.

Sharing their hard work on the Facebook page, calls for donations and help have not gone unnoticed in the community.

Widespread generosity has made it possible to collect and purchase essential items. More recently, local knitters have been crafting handmade items for civilians and those on the front line – medical socks and hats.

The team at St Andrew’s Motor Co in Leeds Road, Huddersfield

The truck, a 25-ton articulated lorry, was loaded on Saturday (March 11) with help from local businessman, Gary Scott, who brought along manpower and a forklift truck to load the pallets of aid.

It will set off on Wednesday (March 15) to the Polish-Ukraine border where it will once again be met by Tim. He will then personally oversee the transfer of aid into waiting Ukrainian trucks and taken across the border to Novoyavorivsk.

From this distribution centre, it will be sent to areas west of Lviv, Kherson, Dnipro and a military hospital in Ivano-Frankivsk which urgently needs medical supplies.

Despite being the largest delivery yet, this will not mark the end of the group’s work. Speaking to Tim, he said that his humanitarian group will continue to send aid to wherever it is needed in Ukraine until a victory is reached.

Their work is only possible with the help of those in our community. They have a GoFundMe page and are supporting various other fundraising events to continue their support for Ukraine.

“If you can get it to us, we can get it to them,” said Tim.

To donate there is a GoFundMe page HERE.