A three-minute pitch – and a bowl of soup – helped three Huddersfield not-for-profit groups share more than £600 last year.

And now Huddersfield Soup is back to offer a helping hand to more good causes across the town.

Huddersfield Soup is an event attended by as many as 50 people who pay £5 each in exchange for a soup supper.

Not-for-profit organisations apply to make a pitch and three are chosen at random. The chosen ones then have three minutes to pitch how they’d spend the money – and the audience votes for their favourite.

The winner then takes all the entry money and the proceeds of the raffle and other fundraising on the night.

In 2022 Team Kickstart, Pennine Abuse Partnership and Temple Wellbeing CIC were all successful, sharing over £600 combined.

The next Huddersfield Soup will be held on Tuesday April 19 (5.30pm-7.30pm) at Hive Community & Cafe, 46 John William Street, Huddersfield. Anyone who wants to pitch must apply no later than 6pm on Saturday April 15.

Huddersfield Soup was set up by Gabby Hurt, of Hive Community & Café, Lauren Moore, fundraiser for the Huddersfield, Halifax and Bradford branch of the RSPCA and Lisa Jagger, of Straight Forward Funding.

Inspired by Dewsbury Soup, the trio thought they could run a similar event in Huddersfield – and HD Soup was born!

Who can apply:

Organisations are eligible to apply ‘to pitch’ if they are ‘not for profit’ and based or deliver activities within South Kirklees/Huddersfield.

How to apply (or to donate a raffle prize!)

Email hd_soup@hivecommunity.org.uk with:
• The name of your organisation
• Your contact details
• Confirm that you are based in Huddersfield (or deliver activities in Huddersfield)
Entries need to be received by 6pm on Saturday April 15 2023 for the event taking place on April 19 2023.

What happens next?

If more than three eligible applications are received then three are randomly selected.
If an organisation wins a place to pitch they attend the event and pre-prepare a simple three-minute pitch.
There will be up to 50 people in the audience at each event – and each attendee will donate £5 to get in. In return, the audience will receive a ‘soup supper’, a great evening out with lots of lovely people – and one voting token each.
After the three pitches have taken place, the audience have the opportunity to ask three further questions – and then use their token to vote for their favourite pitch.
The winner receives all the £5 contributions taken on the door – plus any proceeds from raffles and any other fundraising initiatives on the evening.

3 groups x 3 pitches x 3 minutes x 3 questions Simple concept – great results!

To book your place in the audience at the event on April 19 you must reserve your place in advance at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/587098035027