Huddersfield Giants star Harry Rushton officially opened a multi-sensory room for the local community.

The Multi-Sensory Zone – for people of all ages with disabilities or special educational needs – is at The Zone, the community hub just off St Andrew’s Road, Huddersfield, run by Huddersfield Giants Community Trust.

Harry and a little boy called Thomas, who is the zone’s family ambassador, launched the facility and around 85 people – both children and adults – took part in three age group sessions to try out the interactive equipment and immersive spaces.

Alongside the Multi-Sensory Zone is a new Quiet Zone, a calming area, which was also well received.

The three access sessions were tailored to age groups, with young children and schools attending in the morning, followed by adults in the afternoon with an after-school session for youngsters later.

During the afternoon there was the official launch attended by around 45 business partners and funders.

There were speeches from Trust CEO Lisa Darwin and Sheila Conroy, the Trust’s inclusion manager, and also Andrew Cribbis, on behalf of the Freemasons who provided funding.

The two permanent spaces now form a new part of The Zone, and the Multi-Sensory Zone is available for hire.

Lisa said the Multi-Sensory Zone was the culmination of eight years of hard work and added: “I am so immensely proud it has finally come to fruition. The launch was such a wholesome day – seeing so many users come join us and sample our spaces.

“Creating these spaces has been my mission for a long time and finally it is now a reality. I’m so delighted to move this forward and enhance the well-being and outcomes of those in need within our community.”

The Sensory Zone can be booked via The Zone website HERE.