Welcome to our Huddersfield BID town centre blog where every month BID manager SAM SHARP looks at some of the exciting things going on in the town

We’re counting down to our summertime events now and we’ve made a big announcement about our comic con event Get Your Geek On.

This year we’ve got some big name stars coming along and tickets are now available. If you’re a big comic con or sci-fi fan you won’t want to miss out!

James Cosmo, best known for his roles in Game of Thrones and Braveheart, is coming to Huddersfield to meet fans and sign autographs.

Also making an appearance will be Paul McGann, best known for his role as the eighth Doctor Who, and also Guy Henry, who played the iconic Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. There’s an exclusive meet-and-greet with the stars and early bird tickets are available HERE.

If Get Your Geek On isn’t in your diary yet, why not? It’s on Saturday June 24 in Huddersfield town centre.

Get Your Geek On was a great success bringing people into town last year and this year’s event will be bigger and better.

There’ll be movie cars including the Batmobile, Lightning McQueen, Ghostbusters and more. We’ll have a Star Wars Zone, retro gaming and a superhero trail.

Whereabouts is it in the town centre? Everywhere! We’re taking over the whole town!

More immediately, on Saturday May 13, look out for our giant hot dog handing out pizza, and our Snowdog will also be out on the street to promote not one but two event launches.

On May 27 we will be around the town with lots of giveaway goodies to remind people of our destination website Hello Huddersfield.

Then on Sunday June 4 we’ll have our first Artisan Market of the summer at the top of New Street. It’s open from 10am-3pm and there are all kinds of amazing locally-produced, homegrown artisan-made products to buy.

It’s a fantastic showcase for what talented local artisans and makers we have in Huddersfield. All items are crafted, made, pickled or baked in the local area.

And, don’t forget, our Huddersfield Beer Week is coming up on July 15-22 and the planning is coming together for that, so more details soon.

It’s been a busy month and we’ve just held our Annual Showcase event at Smile bar. This is where we meet up with levy-paying businesses in the town centre and show how Huddersfield BID has made a positive impact on the town centre over the last year.

I’d like to thank everyone who attended including Chris Duffill (above, left), head of business, economy and growth at Kirklees Council, who spoke about plans for the Cultural Heart. Also pictured is Chan Khangura, BID’s vice-chairman.

We will be holding smaller meet and greet events each month, which will give levy-payers chance to meet the BID team, talk about our plans and any issues which they feel Huddersfield BID can assist them with.

Finally, Huddersfield BID has been working with West Yorkshire Police on a Smart Water scheme to help tackle shoplifting and theft in the town centre.

We will be working with key retailers within the town centre, alongside the police, to turn Huddersfield into a Smart Water town and send a clear message to shoplifters that we are fighting back and joining forces to reduce retail crime.

If you want more information about any of our activities please get in touch with the BID office or go to our website HERE.