Welcome to our Huddersfield BID town centre blog and here BID manager SAM SHARP looks at the successes of Huddersfield BID’s first term and explains the process for the renewal ballot which takes place in February.

Huddersfield Business Improvement District (BID) is going into its renewal period for a second five-year term spanning 2024-2029.

Ballot papers are making their way to all levy payers, along with the business plan outlining our objectives – which have been agreed through consultations and feedback from businesses within the Huddersfield BID Zone.

Our achievements can be seen on our streets every day – from jet washing and graffiti removal services, to our Street Rangers daily patrols.

We have worked closely with businesses to ensure we are delivering on the objectives we promised in the first term – and we intend to continue to help make Huddersfield a better place to live, work and visit.

Here are some key dates for your diary regarding the renewal ballot:

  • January 26: Ballot papers issued by post
  • February 1: You can post your vote from today
  • February 25: Last day to vote by 1st class post
  • February 28: The last day to vote. Ballot papers need to be returned by 5pm to Civic Centre I.
  • February 29: Result day!

Huddersfield BID’s large-scale town centre events span the whole of the BID zone and have highlighted Huddersfield as a destination that provides unique and engaging free events which are accessible to all ages. These events drive footfall into the town centre and promote Huddersfield as the place to visit.

Some of Huddersfield BID’s marquee events include Huddersfield Comic Con – Get Your Geek On, HuddersFeast – Get Your Feast On, and HuddersFeast Night Market, plus themed prize trails such as Huddersfield Easter Egg Hunt and Lego Trail.

As well as events, Huddersfield BID has communicated the benefits of visiting Huddersfield through our Hello Huddersfield website and across our social media channels.

A YES vote for Huddersfield BID means we will continue to plan and deliver lively, exciting events that bring visitors in and encourage them to explore the full town’s offering.

A YES vote for Huddersfield BID will also mean continued Street Ranger presence on the streets, more jet washing and graffiti removal.

Since 2022, our Rangers have also removed hundreds of pieces of unsightly graffiti and cleaned thousands of square metres of pathways. We are proud of Huddersfield and want people to feel safe and welcome when they visit, work and shop here.

Huddersfield BID is the body which connects stakeholders and engages with businesses in Huddersfield. We have worked in partnership with key BID Zone stakeholders over the last 4 years, towards a common goal of improving the town and lives of its users.

No other body or organisation within the BID Zone provides the combined level and type of service that we provide. A YES vote for Huddersfield BID will mean we continue to work for businesses, report issues around town to relevant organisations and react to change, developing new strategies to assist business.

The whole team at Huddersfield BID carries out duties and objectives with enthusiasm, energy and an eager desire to do more; seeking ways to improve the BID zone to benefit levy payers and visitors.

Our proposed objectives for term two are:

ENHANCE – To enhance the vibrancy and overall appeal of Huddersfield town centre by creating and maintaining inviting public spaces, ensuring long-term vitality.

  • Jet Washing
  • Graffiti Removal
  • Green Maintenance
  • Business Maintenance
  • Light & Art Installations

ENGAGE – To facilitate meaningful engagement with local businesses, residents and stakeholders, fostering active involvement, empowerment and a sense of unity through collaboration and an engaging calendar of events.

  • Street Rangers
  • DISC Radio Scheme
  • Lively Events & Trails
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Collaborative Working Groups

ENTERPRISE – To promote growth and sustainability of local businesses, creating an environment that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

  • B2B Partnerships
  • Town Centre Loyalty Scheme
  • Workplace Training
  • Sustainable Initiatives
  • Entrepreneurial Development

To read our 5-year Business Plan 2024-29 click here https://huddersfieldbid.co.uk/huddersfield-bid-business-plan-2024-2029/

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to working with you in term two.