A special event is being held for people interested in becoming a foster carer in Kirklees.

Kirklees Council urgently needs more people to care for local children and young people and next week there is an online event where people can ask questions and find out everything they need to know. The event is on Thursday December 9 (12noon-1.30pm).

Fostering with Kirklees means children can stay in their local area, at their school and near their family and friends. When children need to be moved away from everything that’s familiar to them, it can cause further distress at an already upsetting time in their lives.

There is no ‘typical’ foster family. Whether you own your home or rent, whether you’re married or single, whatever your gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or faith, there are young people who need someone on their side.

Clr Viv Kendrick, Cabinet member for children, said: “We really need more people to come forward and help us reduce the number of children being cared for outside the local area.

“There is a general shortage of foster carers in Kirklees but we particularly need people to look after our older children and teenagers, and our sibling groups.

“Fostering can be extremely rewarding and all you really need is a spare room in your house, along with dedication, compassion, patience and energy.

“Please get in touch with our friendly team. By changing your future, you can make a huge difference to the future of our children and young people.”

There’s a wide variety of fostering schemes to suit different individual and family circumstances. For example, you can work full or part-time and still foster.

Families are also needed to offer a ‘forever’ home. Long-term fostering provides children and young people who can’t live with their birth families on a permanent basis a home they can grow up in. These planned placements provide a safe and secure environment, often over a number of years.

At the online event on December 9, you can also hear first-hand accounts from Kirklees foster carers about their fostering journeys. For more information and a link to join the session, please email fostering@kirklees.gov.uk

For more information you can also visit www.kirklees.gov.uk/fostering