There ain’t no mountain high enough for fundraiser Joe Brereton who is preparing to climb the height of Mount Everest – in Holmfirth.

Instead of travelling to the Himalayas to scale the world’s highest peak, dad-of-two Joe will cover the equivalent height by climbing Holmfirth’s hilly Cooper Lane 217 times starting at midnight on Friday, September 6.

He is taking part in the challenge to raise money on behalf of the MND Association, in support of friends whose loved ones have died from motor neurone disease. He has already smashed his £1,000 fundraising target.

Joe said: “I started fundraising in 2021 and took part in a 100-mile ultra marathon. I found out my wife was pregnant at around the same time and now we have two daughters the logistics have changed – it’s just not possible for me to go off and do challenges like that anymore.

“Everest became a real focus for people during Covid, with many climbing the equivalent height on their stairs at home.

“I had an idea to cover the same distance on Cooper Lane and that’s how it started. It’s going to be a mental and physical challenge but something I’m really looking forward to.”

Cooper Lane has a gradient of 18.6% and during each climb Joe will travel 0.13 miles. In total, he will cover 59 miles.

He added: “I’ve had to approach this challenge very differently as I will be using very specific muscles.

“I’ll need to eat about every 30-40 minutes to ensure I keep my energy levels high. There will be plenty of salty snacks, cheese sandwiches and pizza to ensure I don’t crash.”

Joe, who works at J Brindon Addy Butcher’s in Holmfirth, has already attracted interest from within the community with customers pledging to support his challenge.

To make a donation, visit

For more information about MND and the MND Association please visit


Marcus Stewart’s March of the Day MND walk has raised almost double its £100k target