Huddersfield-based Holly Bank Nursery has been judged Outstanding in every category by Ofsted.

Based on Queens Road in Edgerton, Holly Bank Nursery was visited by Ofsted in February 2024 and received their highest accolade of Outstanding, a judgment only given when the inspector sees exceptional early years education and provision that greatly exceeds national standards.

Holly Bank is the third nursery in the Portland Nurseries group to receive Outstanding in less than two years, following the inspections of Harlequin Nursery, Edgerton, in 2022 and Portland House Nursery, Lindley, in 2023 giving testament to the high standards that are set across the group.

Portland Nurseries Group also owns Oakwood House Nursery & Forest School in Edgerton, Bradley House Nursery in Bradley and Fairfield Nursery in Shelf, Halifax.

The Ofsted inspector said: “From the moment children arrive, they become immersed in a range of challenging and exciting experiences. Children delight in the wonder of nature as they take part in forest school sessions.”

The report goes on to say: “Children’s behaviour across the nursery is exemplary. Staff support them to develop positive attitudes and develop secure friendships. They show high levels of concentration, perseverance and resilience.

“Staff know the children exceptionally well and have a detailed knowledge of what children are interested in and what they need to achieve next.

“They provide children with a highly ambitious curriculum. Staff ensure that their quality teaching is pitched at the highest level to engage children and support their learning.

“Children develop excellent independence skills from an early age. Staff exchange a wealth of information with parents on entry, and thereafter.

“Support for the most disadvantaged children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, is incredibly well targeted.”

The inspector went on to praise the leadership and said: “Management continually strive for excellence. They lead the team extremely well, coaching them to reflect on their practice and develop their excellent knowledge even further.

“Children benefit greatly from the outstanding focus placed on supporting their emotional needs and well-being. There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children’s interests first.”

Managing director Anastasia Murphy said: “This is a tremendous achievement for the nursery and we are delighted to share the wonderful result with the families and the whole staff team across the company, who work hard to achieve the best possible standards of education and care.

“We were so pleased to read that the inspector observed how exceptionally well the staff know the children, along with the children’s resilience and excellent independence skills and how well their emotional needs and wellbeing are supported, as these are key strengths of the nursery. Our curriculum focuses on learning through curiosity, and developing individuality and resilience.

“As the inspector reported, our management team continually strive for excellence. We set our standards very high and are constantly implementing new and interesting ideas for both the children and our staff team.

“We have invested heavily in staff training and we constantly strive to be at the forefront of the best practices in childcare.

“Being ‘outstanding’ means continually developing and improving and that’s what we will continue to do.”