Kirklees Council have approved £400,000 of funding to tackle domestic abuse across the borough.

The council’s Cabinet approved the funding to create five new roles to focus on the training of staff from frontline council services as well as partner and voluntary organisations.

The domestic abuse consultants and community engagement roles will upskill staff to increase confidence in supporting families affected by domestic abuse.

They will also equip staff with the skills needed to reduce the impact domestic abuse has on children and young people.

The consultants’ roles will have a key focus on building relationships and empowering community groups and organisations to recognise the signs of domestic abuse. They will also build public confidence.

As part of the engagement element of the roles they will engage survivors that are under-represented in services such as those from the LGBT+, BAME, disabled and older and younger communities.

Survivor forums will be established as part of this funding to ensure that those with lived experience can feed into communications and engagement work while also helping to tailor the training delivered by consultants. The forums will represent the diversity of Kirklees communities.

Clr Cathy Scott, Cabinet Member for Democracy and Housing, said: “This funding has the potential to make a significant difference to all of our communities in Kirklees.

“By investing in consultant roles who can then dedicate their time to training our communities we are creating a sustainable programme of work that will have a long-term impact.

“Engaging with communities and specifically working with those who have lived experience to help us tailor our training, communications and engagement is vital in making sure we are delivering the appropriate messages in the most suitable way.

“Domestic abuse is a truly dreadful crime that ruins the lives of the victim but also in some cases, their children. I fully support this funding and I’m thankful my colleagues see the potential this funding has in protecting our Kirklees residents.”