Planners have given the go ahead for works to improve accessibility at Huddersfield Railway Station.

The historic Grade I-listed station with its grand frontage has an access ramp at one side though it’s not always obvious to visitors.

The station is undergoing a significant internal reconstruction as part of the multi-billion TransPennine Route Upgrade and train operator TransPennine Express (TPE) sought planning permission for accessibility improvements too.

In its planning documents, TPE said: “Accessibility to the station is particularly challenging to those with an impairment. In the UK nearly two million people live with sight loss and face a much higher risk at train stations.

“Proposed access improvements to the station entrance will provide an approach that is sympathetic to the historic building whilst addressing the existing issues with accessibility to and from the station.”

The improvements include:

  • An additional lower level handrail to the existing ramp;
  • Handrails at either end of the steps at the front of the station;
  • New signs to direct both visitors arriving via the drop-off area and passengers coming out of the station to the access ramp;
  • New lighting to include the replacement of three globe-style lights fixed outside the station and four new lights installed either side of the entrance;
  • Tactile paving on the bottom of the stepped access on St George’s Square;
  • Repairs to cracked and damaged stonework on the steps.





The document added: “Our designs will aim to provide simple proposals that can be implemented in a manner that has minimal effect to the building’s heritage yet is effective in addressing the need for improved access to the station.

“Incidents of passengers tripping/falling is commonplace at the station entrance and exemplify the need for access enhancements.

“Any potential harm to the significance of the station as a result of proposed works will be justified by the improved accessibility to the station.

“The station serves the public and as of current does not provide a level of accessibility that can be considered inclusive and safe upon entrance.

“Our works, formed with the intention of preservation, will drastically improve access to the station and any potential harm should be weighed against the much-needed improvement in accessibility.”

The station’s internal re-design will see two new platforms, a new footbridge, new lifts and new toilet facilities.

The station roof will be restored and the historic timber-framed tearooms have been taken away for expert restoration and will be returned.

Click here for how the new station could look.

Main image by: Huddersfield Hub photographer SEAN DOYLE


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