We love it when businesses send us their good news and here’s our latest good news round-up. Awards, expansion, new contracts or new jobs, if you’ve got some good news you want to share please email the editor, Martin Shaw, on martin@huddersfieldhub.co.uk.

A device to help ease anxiety and boost mental well-being has been registered under a collective trademark.

Luma³ – which focuses on ‘conscious breathing’ – is still currently in initial production with the first units ready to ship to new customers in early April.

Michael Crinnion, a former vice-principal at Colne Valley High School in Linthwaite, created the cube-shaped device which uses soft waves and pulses of gentle light and colour to help people control their breathing and ease feelings of anxiety and stress.

Mind Body Goals, the company founded by Mr Crinnion, has now achieved Made in Britain accreditation which brings Luma³ under a registered collective trademark and helps consumers identify products that are made in Britain.

Company CEO Mr Crinnion said: “We’re thrilled to be accepted as a member of Made in Britain and look forward to supporting UK businesses through the manufacturing and distribution of Luma³.”

READ MORE: What exactly is Luma³ and how does it help with stress and anxiety?

Circuitbase Ltd, a UK-based manufacturer, is responsible for producing and assembling the electronic components of Luma³ and for the final product assembly and quality checks.

Mr Crinnion added: “Without their fantastic work, Luma³ would not be a reality.”

Mind Body Goals can now use the Made in Britain logo on its website and social media accounts and in future marketing.

The company has pledged that for every 10 Luma³ devices sold, one will be given free of charge to a school, college or university to support young people’s mental health.

A business expo is to be held in Huddersfield at the end of April.

Marketing and networking professional Sam Hartley is to hold the SAM Networking Business Expo at the Cedar Court Hotel at Ainley Top on Friday April 29 (10am-3pm).

Unlike many other expos or trade shows this one is free to visit and there will be more than 40 exhibitors, with no multiples from any sector.

There will also be 12 seminars to book onto and three networking sessions with complimentary breakfast, lunch or a glass of fizz!

The first 200 visitors also receive a free cotton shopper to carry all Expo goodies.

To book your place, search for SAM Networking Business Expo on Eventbrite or go to www.sam-networking.co.uk

Innovative activity-based educational technology company Sporting Age is looking forward to a winning 2022 performance after building strong interest on the back of a successful launch.

Huddersfield-based Sporting Age, which provides solutions to improve movement skills among young people, has rolled out its technology across groups of primary schools, showcased its work to national activity providers and progressed partnerships with like-minded innovators across the UK.

CEO Shaun Fox and the management team are expecting a strong performance in the year ahead as more schools come on board to harness the Sporting Age solutions to tackle physical inactivity as part of the Covid-19 pandemic recovery.

Sporting Age solution Smart Motion, which is now being implemented across schools in the Kirklees area, tracks movement levels among young people at Key Stage 2 aged 7 to 11, allowing users to create differentiated activity programmes for each cohort, with additional recommended support for those with specific needs.

Sporting Age also provide physical learning programme Smart Prism for children in Reception and school years 1 and 2, using evidence-based research to raise development and movement levels. In total, 4,800 children have taken part in Sporting Age programmes using the technology in the largest implementation to date.

The team also put on their biggest showcase to date for a national audience of activity providers during the Aspire Partnership conference in Birmingham, which generated discussions around implementation with interested companies based all over the UK.

Sporting Age in action

Shaun Fox said: “Sporting Age has been well received by experts and peers in the physical activity sector, giving us every confidence that 2022 will be another positive year.

“We have introduced Smart Motion in a large group of local schools, providing us with vital experience in shaping its powerful impact upon understanding activity levels. The data being shaped will be priceless as we develop Sporting Age and has allowed us to partner with colleagues in the academic field for what promises to be some fascinating research.

“Most importantly, we are building commercial partners across the UK, thanks in part to the success of the Aspire event, which should allow us to grow revenues and profits during the 12 months ahead.”

The Sporting Age team, who have their HQ at the John Smith’s Stadium in Huddersfield, believe their solutions can play their part in the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, which saw child physical activity levels drop and movement skills deteriorate during lockdown.

Martin Hathaway, chief executive of Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce

The latest figures released by the Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce reveal growth in trade between firms based in the mid Yorkshire region and operators in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following Brexit.

The chamber has released figures from its MY Export Hub department for 2021, which show that Turkey (32%) and the UAE (20%) are now the most popular exporting destinations for firms in Huddersfield. This is followed by Saudi Arabia (10%) and Egypt (9%).

The figures have been published by the Chamber’s MY Export Hub department, which supports local businesses with all aspects of international trade.

The growth in trade with businesses in Turkey and UAE contrasts with less than 2.5% of all documents issued being for EU countries, following changes to processes and requirements for trading after the UK’s departure from the EU.

Martin Hathaway, managing director of the Huddersfield-based Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “I am really pleased to see such significant growth in trading with these nations, and the strengthening of trade links with both Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

“The fallout from Brexit has dramatically affected our region’s trade with European countries, so I am delighted that we are forging new connections and creating new opportunities for global growth here in Yorkshire.”

The Mid Yorkshire Chamber processed almost 6,000 trade documents in 2021, with only 2.5% being for EU countries.

Kornelia Szymla, export supervisor at the chamber, said: “Despite the challenges following Brexit and the effects of Covid-19 on international trade, we have had a really strong year in the MY Export Hub department, helping businesses in Yorkshire to trade internationally.

“We are keen to see the result of the current Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and hope that this will provide further opportunities for our region.

“I am confident that we can continue this growth in 2022, and we urge any business that requires assistance to seek support from our team.”

The chamber’s MY Export Hub arm supports businesses in the mid Yorkshire regions of Halifax, Huddersfield and Wakefield with all aspects of international trade, including documentation, accredited training, foreign exchange and translation services.

More information on the Hub’s services and experts can be found at: www.myexporthub.co.uk.