Golcar United physio Connor Kavanagh will be swapping the football pitch for the boxing ring on May 21. Instead of helping players recover from injury, he’ll be going through the pain barrier himself when he takes part in the annual white-collar boxing event Boxing 4 You. 

He is fighting on behalf of Andy’s Man Club and is looking to raise as much money as possible. Organised by Left Jab Boxing, the Boxing 4 You spectacular has raised over £112,000 for various charities since it began in 2016. 

Connor is also fighting in memory of his best friend Aiden Clegg who took his own life two years ago, aged just 23. 

Connor, 27, who hails from Dalton, has been Golcar’s physio for the past two years. He first took part in the Boxing 4 You event in 2018. He also raised money for Andy’s Man Club, that time in the memory of his uncle Richard raising thousands of pounds. 

Connor said: “I’m big on mental health. My uncle Richard struggled with it and he has now passed away. I fought in 2018 in his memory.

Connor Kavanagh and Aiden Clegg

“This time around I’m raising money again for Andy’s Man Club but this time I’m doing it in memory of Aiden. Andy’s Man Club does some unbelievable work in the community and I’m proud to be representing them on the night.”

Connor misses his best friend and recalled: “I was shocked and devastated when I heard the news of what had happened. I just saw him the day before and he never showed any signs he was struggling. It wasn’t until his funeral that it all really hit me. I miss him, and so want to make him proud on the night. 

“I want to raise £500 at least and that’s my target. Hopefully I reach that and go over that target. I’m very passionate about the charity and what they do.

“When I fought last time I was thinking about my uncle and I’ll be thinking about him and Aiden this time around. Emotions run high at the end of the event as you feel proud you’ve achieved something for the charity and in their memory.” 

READ MORE: Check out our Golcar United archive and find out the latest news from the club

A spokesman for Andy’s Man Club said: “A massive thank you from all at Andy’s Man Club to Connor Kavanagh for his fundraising efforts for our charity.

“As a donation-led charity, we are eternally grateful for the generosity and fundraising efforts of Connor and others like him. Any funds raised help us broaden the reach of our message and, in turn, ensure that we can reach more men in their time of need and continue to prevent male suicide. Thank you Connor and the best of luck from everyone at AMC!”

If you want to donate to Connor’s cause please click the following link HERE

Here are some other pictures of Connor.