By Gordon the Gardener

The continuous late frost throughout April is a warning that gardeners must always be vigilant weather wise.

The April frosts this year have been exceptional and many hardy outdoor plants have had flowers and new shoots burnt. 

It’s all too easy to get excited by sunny warm days and rush out to the garden centre and buy tender bedding plants and set them out.

If plants are bought now they should at least be given some protection of a greenhouse or a cold frame.

READ MORE: Gordon the Gardener is Huddersfield Hub’s regular columnist

To be safe gardeners should hold fire until the Spring Bank Holiday before planting out in the open ground. And even then a weather eye should be kept open. There can sometimes be a threat of frost even in the month of May.

Nothing is gained by planting too early, and your plants won’t thank you for planting them into the cold ground.

I recall a few times when extra protection had to be given. These days it is simple and easy to throw fleece material over the plants just to make sure.

Fleece can also be used to protect your potato foliage which will now be reaching for the sky. Using fleece to keep potatoes warmer will also give you an earlier crop.

The Harrogate Spring Flower Show is back for 2021

Harrogate Spring Flower Show takes place after missing last year and is on May 20-23 at the Harrogate Great Yorkshire Showground.

Tickets have to be booked and there are restrictions for visits. You may choose either a morning or an afternoon visit. The duration of each visit is 4.5 hours. Select either (morning) 8.30am until 1pm or (afternoon) 1.30pm until 6pm.

The return of the show will be welcomed by all gardeners. Everything for the garden can be bought, from pruners to pelargoniums, and the outdoor show gardens are always a source of inspiration. There’s also a scrumptious Yorkshire food hall.

But whatever plants you buy, keep an eye out for Jack Frost. He might not be done with us yet…