A launch for the West Yorkshire Futsal League’s first girls-only competition took place at Spen Valley High School in Liversedge.

A first for Kirklees, the league is working alongside West Riding County FA to create the region’s first structured pathway tailored specifically from grassroots participation to the women’s game.

The initiative is led by Huddersfield-based GWL UNITED, a community interest company aimed at promoting gender equality.

John Caven, director of GWL UNITED, said: “This partnership will provide unprecedented opportunities for female players, coaches and officials to experience futsal in a dedicated female centric environment.”

Futsal is similar to five-a-side football played on a hard court with a smaller, harder, lower bounce ball, encouraging greater skill levels.

Director of West Yorkshire Futsal League Connah Joyce said: “This is an exciting time for futsal and John and myself have huge ambitions for West Yorkshire Futsal League as an enterprise, and aim to provide an exceptional environment recognised as one of the best in the country.”

West Riding FA football development officer Reece Sockett said: “West Yorkshire Futsal League has created a focal point for female participation.

“I can assure everyone within the region that West Riding FA will support the growth and development of this project with practical and legislative resources to ensure it is available for everyone who wants to play and contribute in some way.”

Anyone who wants to get involved can contact John Caven on 07833 524435.