A five-year-old girl is taking part in the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice Colour Run in memory of her twin brother as her family say an emotional ‘thank you’ to the hospice.

This year’s event takes place at Greenhead Park in Huddersfield on Saturday July 30 and it’s always a special day.

The community fundraiser brings families, friends and workmates of all ages together – to be spattered with colourful paint, all for a great cause! There’s a 3.5km course to be walked, run or strolled before a colour shower finale.

Maddison aged five will be running with her dad and other relatives in memory of her twin brother Noah, who was sadly stillborn in 2017.

Maddison and her family were supported by Forget Me Not and able to say their last goodbyes to Noah and make precious memories at the hospice in Huddersfield.

Maddison’s mum Leanne said: “It may seem strange to people but June 14 2017 was the best day of my life. We laughed, we cried but – most importantly – we smiled and I can still smile now as I remember that day.

“When we first learned Noah would be stillborn I never imagined I’d be able to do that, and I still don’t believe I could have if it wasn’t for Forget Me Not. Without Forget Me Not’s support our journey could have been very much different, and it would have certainly been much harder.

“This is why we fundraise, to say thank you, to give back, but most importantly so they can help other families. The Colour Run seemed the perfect event for Maddison’s first fundraiser as she loves all things rainbow!

Mum Leanne and Maddison

“Nine members of our family are running, and many more attending in support. It’ll be a fantastic family day supporting Maddie, and remembering Noah. We can’t wait!”

It’s this that makes the day truly magical. Because everyone is part of something bigger. They’ve joined forces with hundreds of others, all there to raise money for and support an amazing cause. And in doing so, help the very families who are also running, walking and getting colourful alongside them.

In 2019, participants in Forget Me Not’s Colour Run raised a fantastic £26,000 net profit, with every penny going towards supporting local children and families. The charity is hoping to raise even more this year. Could you get colourful in support of the families Forget Me Not cares for too?

Tickets are on sale until Wednesday July 27 and can be purchased at www.forgetmenotchild.co.uk/colourrun.