Five friends are aiming to conquer five peaks in just 48 hours to raise money for the Huddersfield-based Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice.

Jasmine Roebuck, Natalie Smith, Alex Fowler, Ryan Day and Alex Garber are taking on the 5 Peaks Challenge on Wednesday June 22.

The challenge involves climbing – and descending – the highest peaks in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland – and it must be completed within 48 hours.

The time limit includes ferry crossings and all travelling times – and you can’t break any speed limits on the roads!

The climb involves: Ben Nevis (1,344m), Scafell Pike (978m), Snowdon (1,085m), Slieve Donard (850m) and Carrauntoohil (1,038m). Overall the challenge covers 64km and involves 5,300 metres of ascent, the equivalent of Everest Base Camp!

Backed by support driver Tom Woolfe, the intrepid fundraisers will set off at 6pm.

The team in Tryfan, Snowdonia. From left to right: Alex Garber, Jasmine, Natalie, Ryan and Tom.

Jasmine said: “We’ve taken on this challenge initially for ‘fun’ and to test ourselves but, importantly, to raise awareness of a local charity.

“As we all live or were raised in the Huddersfield area we have chosen to fundraise for Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice.

“Forget Me Not care for children with a life-shortening condition and their families, providing services such as hospice at home, crisis care, bereavement support and end of life care.

“They are a charity that requires £4 million a year to run their services, with only 6% funding from the Government. The fundraising efforts are an integral part of how they can achieve the incredible services they offer.”

Although Jasmine and Natalie completed the national Three Peaks last year, the group have not taken on a challenge quite like this before. Ferry crossings and potential traffic delays will be out of their control, adding pressure onto the hiking time.

The group has set a target of £1,500. To donate go to: Five Peak Challenge is fundraising for FORGET ME NOT CHILDREN’S HOSPICE (