Police and special constables have taken to the streets of Huddersfield in a new operation to keep people safe and prevent crime in the night-time economy. 

Huddersfield Police have said there is more to come after uniformed and plain clothed officers conducted spot checks at venues and intervened to prevent disorder in an operation in Huddersfield on Saturday October 28. 

The wave of activity was one of a series of planned operations focused on boosting safety in the night-time economy in the run up to Christmas and follows on from a successful series of initiatives in 2022. 

During the evening police checked a number of venues and assisted door staff where necessary. 

Police on patrol also intervened early to prevent disorder on spotting arguments and monitored known offenders. Several people were directed to leave the town centre as a result of their behaviour. 

A number of taxis were also inspected to ensure they were fully roadworthy and complying with taxi licensing legislation.

Supt Helen Brear, of Kirklees Police, said: “As the countdown to Christmas begins we will, of course, see more people enjoying nights out in the town. 

“Saturday’s operation was one of a number to come, in which extra officers will provide a visible presence during busy times for the night-time economy to help residents have safer and incident free evenings all the way through December. 

“The vast majority of people using our town centre do have a safe and enjoyable time and this work is intended to provide that extra bit of reassurance at what will be a busy time.” 

She added: “I want to thank our special constable colleagues for playing a full part in this operation, supporting regular officers and giving their time to help people feel safer. 

“Special constables do an amazing job at West Yorkshire Police and fully contribute to making our streets safer and make residents feel safer, which is a key aim of these night-time operations.”